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The Landscape Wall - collection 1




If you have followed the linen garden for a while you may have noticed in my home that I had a wall covered in these beautiful large landscape prints.  I had papered the wall with the entire collection, which looked amazing in my living room.  The collection was then placed around my home in long portrait lines of 4-5 prints in alcoves and the slimmer walls of the hall.  So they have been well appreciated here. 

The prints, I am told, are of Dutch origin, etched and tinted with such beautiful detailing and on each print there is a little printed sketch at the base in the surrounding mount space of a detail that was taken from the artists sketchbook.  Possibly other details that they must have seen when producing the original artwork.    

Some prints have had 1911 handwritten in pencil, this maybe the date of print or the date of framing.  The prints (even when I purchased them) are not in pristine condition, within some prints there are a a few marks and possibly the odd tear/crease/fold to a corner or edge.  But still perfectly fine to apply directly to the wall or even more perfect to have re-framed.  The drawings were produced at the early start or closing hours of the day as the light depicted in the tints are of sunsets or sunrises. Just gorgeous.

Prints measure 59cm x 24cm

Set of 4 prints.

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